In recent years, the interest in eco-solutions has increased significantly, also in the fashion world. The notion of sustainable fashion, or sustainable fashion in other words, ecological fashion, has become an integral part of the world philosophy of design. On a daily basis, we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of brands and initiatives in the market, including in the textile industry.
Consumers of most products and services around the world are demanding radical change, transparency, and social responsibility from brands and manufacturing companies, large and small. In the textile industry, we are seeing the promotion of second-hand clothing use, the introduction of recycling and the general trend towards the rejection of disposable plastics.
Awakening awareness has become a fact to which one can no longer fail to respond if one wants to continue doing business. The events of this year paved the way even further for a new decade of practical changes in this industry.
Will this fashion continue? We are convinced that YES!
Consumer trends and statistics on sustainable fashion show some of the general trends that may prevail in the near future. Let us focus on some of them.
Worldwide brands – a recipe for success
Observing the world of fashion we will find plenty of examples of bringing us closer to what is natural. At Berlin Fashion Week in 2016, the young designer Mayya Saliba surprised everyone with her collection made of completely organic, natural fiber, produced from the leaves left over from the pineapple harvest. This year, the well-known brand Nike is launching its „Space Hippie” shoe collection from recycled garbage. Adidas, meanwhile, introduces models with a cork sole with recycled composite liner and laces of recycled paper. Primark took care of sustainable cotton. There are companies that really change the world for the better. In other cases, however, in the light of media messages after deeper analysis, we may feel simply cheated by marketing tricks.
A product is not „sustainable” when its label says so, only when the entire production and distribution process has actually been modified in a way that does not harm the environment.
The chain of marketing such a product very often complicates things. It happens that subcontractors do not use this technology at all.
How does it all work in Rytex?
n our company, which has been operating on the market for 147 years, we care not only about eco-image, but above all about eco-technologies. We operate in accordance with the green transformation strategy. Our woollen fabrics are biodegradable and do not pollute the environment. We have introduced such a production technology, based on a closed cycle, which allows us to obtain raw materials from our own recycling. We meet the expectations of our customers by creating new woollen fabrics, based on natural wool colors.
It is also worth mentioning the comfort of use: the woollen fabrics are plastic and adapt to the adhesion planes, and the weaves of yarn used in the production allow to eliminate the crumpling.
Be responsible. Choose eco style. Create fashion. TOGETHER WITH RYTEX.